Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 36, Number 2, Spring 2000
Volume 36, Number 2 Cover, Contents, About the Authors, Preface (215K)
Constance Cameron
10. An Interpretation and Comparison of Column Samples from San Clemente Island Middens (120K)
Mimi Burnat Horner
11. Rock art on the Channel Islands of California (176K)
Clement W. Meighan
12. Animal Effigies from Coastal Southern California (264K)
Constance Cameron
13. Perforated Stones from the Ledge Site (84K)
Martha Molitor
14. Addendum: Large Perforated Stones from San Clemente Island, 1984 Excavations (40K)
Frank Wood
15. Grinding Implements from San Clemente Island (72K)
Clement W. Meighan
16. Drills, Knives, and Points from San Clemente Island (96K)
Frank Wood
17. Stone Pipes and Cloud Blowers from San Clemente Island (56K)
Frank Wood
18. Skeletal Remains from San Clemente Island (128K)
Michele D. Titus and Phillip L. Walker
Issue Bibliography (32K)