Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 51, Numbers 3&4 (2015)

Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editor, About the Authors


Matthew A. Boxt

Adiós, Gran Sabio: W. Michael Mathes, a Personal Remembrance

Brian Dervin Dillon

A Record of W. Michael Mathes’ Contributions

Compiled by Brian Dervin Dillon and Matthew A. Boxt

Baja California, Then and Now

W. Michael Mathes

Malintent Trauma Among Prehistoric Las Palmas People

J. Eldon Molto

Elusive Glass: The Search for an Obsidian Source on Isla Ángel de la Guarda

Thomas Bowen

Historical Archaeology of Baja California Sur

Karina Busto-Ibarra

Tezontle in Spanish Colonial Baja California

Fermín Reygadas Dahl, Javier Arce Meza, Brian Dervin Dillon, and Matthew A. Boxt


Cover: Mission San Javier, Baja California Sur. Photo by Fermín Reygadas Dahl.