Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 50, Numbers 1&2 (2014, printed July 2014)
Cover, Contents, About the Authors
The Beginnings of Prehistoric Archaeology in Baja California, 1732‒1913
Don Laylander
An Analysis of Glass Artifacts from the Chapel Complex Excavation
Stephen R. Van Wormer
Henry C. Koerper, Ivan Snyder, Galen Hunter, and Joe Cramer
A Unique Asphaltum-Coated Brownware Pot
Henry C. Koerper, Richard Gossett, and Jerry Schaefer
A Unique Incised Tablet from CA-LAN-138
Henry C. Koerper, Galen Hunter, Ivan Snyder, and Joe Cramer
Galen Hunter and Henry C. Koerper
Henry C. Koerper and Joe Cramer