Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 47, Numbers 3&4 (2011, printed May 2013)

Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editors, About the Authors

Ceramics from Lovejoy Springs, a Western Mojave Desert Waterhole

Suzanne Griset

Middle Holocene Ceramic Artifacts from the Encino Village Site

Nancy Anastasia Desautels-Wiley

Prehistoric Pottery of Coastal Los Angeles County

Matthew A. Boxt and Brian Dervin Dillon

Neutron Activation Analysis of Archaeological Pottery from Long Beach

Gary S. Hurd and George E. Miller

Great Basin Ceramic Distribution Patterns in San Bernardino County

Gregory R. Burns and Barry Olson, Jr.

Early Archaic Fired and Modeled Clay from Inland Southern California

Melinda Horne and Suzanne Griset