Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 46, Number 4 (2010, printed October 2012)
Cover, Contents, About the Authors
A Probable Case of Treponematosis Associated with the San Fernando Rey de España de Velicatá Mission, Baja California, Mexico
Joseph Eldon Molto, Eric W. Ritter, and Christina Taggart
A Nutritional Study of Seven Molluscan Species Recovered from CA-LAN-2630, Long Beach, California
Alan C. Miller and Matthew A. Boxt
A Unique Example of Repair to a Broken Abalone Shell Dish
Henry C. Koerper, Ivan Snyder, and Galen Hunter
Sounds and Symbolism from the Netherworld: Acoustic Archaeology at the Animal Master’s Portal
Alan P. Garfinkel and Steven J. Waller
A Cetacean-Like Manuport from the Bonita Mesa Site (CA-ORA-106/219)
Henry C. Koerper and Joe Cramer