Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 43, Numbers 1 & 2 (2007, printed January 2010)

Cover, Contents, About the Authors, In Memorium: Lavinia Knight, Note from the Production Editors

Introduction to the Archaeology of Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California
Russell L. Kaldenberg

A Protohistoric House in the Argus Range, Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake
Mark W. Allen

Three Archaeological Landscapes of the Mojave B Range, Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake: Pilot Knob, Indian Spring, and North Eagle Crags
Mark W. Allen

Rose Spring Point Chronology and Numic Population Movements in Eastern California
Alan P. Garfinkel

Terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene Occupations on the Eastern Shoreline of China Lake, California
Mark A. Giambastiani and Thomas Bullard

Sherlock Holmes Had Nothing on Us: Collections Related to the Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California and the Surrounding Area
Russell L. Kaldenberg

A Preliminary Report of a Rock Feature Complex on the East Side of Searles Lake (CA-SBR-12134/H), Western Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California
Kish D. La Pierre

A Trout in the Milk: Circumstantial Evidence for Disputed Tenancy at Seep Spring, Northern Mojave Desert
Michael R. Walsh

Living on the Edge: Late Prehistoric Foragers on the South Range
Helen Wells and Clarus J. Backes, Jr.

The Coso Petroglyph Chronology
David S. Whitley and Ronald I. Dorn