Pacific Coast Archaeological Society

Volume 40, Number 2 (2004, printed July 2008)

Cover, Contents, About the Authors

Ancient DNA – Modern Connections: Results of Mitochondrial DNA Analyses from Monterey County, California Errata
Gary S. Breschini and Trudy Haversat

Additional Notes on Astragalus Bones
Henry C. Koerper

The Spatial Organization of Activities at CA-ORA-662 on Pelican Hill in the Newport Coast Area, Orange County, California
Roger D. Mason

Locating the Buck Ranch Prehistoric Burial Ground, Huntington Beach, California
Paul G. Chace

Mortuary/Mourning Associated, Transversely Grooved Stone Artifacts from CA-LAN-62: Another Case of Sexualization-Sacralization?
Henry C. Koerper, Polly A. Peterson, Benjamin R. Vargas, Donn R. Grenda, and Patrick B. Stanton