Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 38, Numbers 3&4 (Spring & Summer 2002, printed August 2005)

Cover, Contents, About the Authors

Emerging Patterns in Obsidian Usage in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California
Mark Q. Sutton and Matthew R. Des Lauriers

Transition from Geophyte to Seed Processing: Evidence for Intensification from Thermal Features near China Lake, Northern Mojave Desert
Jelmer W. Eerkens and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal

When the System Works–the Campo de Cahuenga
Roberta Greenwood

Beads and Pendants from the Coachella Valley, Southern California
Mariam Dahdul

Desert Chronologies and the Archaic Period in the Coachella Valley
Bruce Love and Mariam Dahdul

An Abalone “Treasure-Pot” from Coastal Southern California
Henry C. Koerper, Armand J. Labbé, and A. J. T. Jull

A Glycymeris Bracelet from CA-ORA-58

Henry C. Koerper and Nancy Anastasia Desautels

Shellfish Consumption in Early 20th Century Urban San Diego
Susan M. Hector