Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 36, Number 1, Winter 2000

Volume 36, Number 1 Cover, Contents, About the Authors, Preface (215K)

1. Overview of the Archaeology of San Clemente Island, California 1 (1M)
Clement W. Meighan

2. From Sheepherders to Cruise Missiles: A Short History of Archaeological Research at San Clemente Island (237K)
Andrew Yatsko

3. Of Marine Terraces and Sand Dunes: The Landscape of San Clemente Island (262K)
Andrew Yatsko

4. Site Chronology on San Clemente Island, California (83K)
Carol Goldberg, Michelle Titus, Roy Salls, and Rainer Berger

5. Obsidian Evidence for San Clemente Island and the Establishment of a Tentative Hydration Rate (135K)
Janet Scalise

6. Source Determination of Archaeological Obsidian Specimens, San Clemente Island (43K)
Paul Bouey

7. The Prehistoric Fishery of San Clemente Island (533K)
Roy A. Salls

8. An Analysis of San Clemente Island Ornaments and Pendants (120K)
Janet Scalise

9. Religious Aspects of the Material Remains from San Clemente Island (894K)
Ellen T. Hardy

Issue Bibliography