Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 35, Number 4, Fall 1999

Volume 35, Number 4 Cover, Contents, About the Authors, Preface (69K)

The Interpretive Potential of Micromorphological Analysis at Prehistoric Shell Midden Sites on Camp Pendleton (230K)
Paul Goldberg and Brian Byrd, with appended comments by L. Mark Raab

Plant Usage and Prehistoric Diet: Paleoethnobotanical Investigations on Camp Pendleton, Southern California (144K)
Seetha Reddy

Temporal Variation in Vertebrate Archaeofaunas From Camp pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego County, California (327K)
Thomas Wake

The Nineteenth Century Physical Geography of the Camp Pendleton Coastline (557K)
Wayne Engstrom

Contributions to Luiseno Ethnohistory Based on Mission Register Research (250K)
John R. Johnson and Dinah Crawford

Comments on Contribtuions to the Prehistory and Archaeology of Camp Pendleton (33K)
Michael Glassow