Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 35, Number 1, Winter 1999

Volume 35, Number 1 Cover, Contents, About the Authors, Introduction (135K)
Stan Berryman

Applying GIS to Archaeological Site Prediction on Camp Pendleton, Southern California (153K)
Seetha Reddy and Alice Brewster

A Geoarchaeological Assessment of Alluvial Valleys at Camp Pendleton with an Overview of the Important Natural Site Formation Processes (60K)
Frederic B. Pearl and Michael R. Waters

Collecting and Residing Near the Shore: The Role of Small and Large Sites in Settlement Reconstruction (418K)
Brian F. Byrd and Seetha Reddy

The Red Beach Site and 3,000 Years of Coastal Settlement Change (228K)
Karen Rasmussen Foster

Prespectives on the Role of CRM Archaeology in California (24K)
L. Mark Raab