Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 34, Number 4, Fall 1998

Volume 34, Number 4 Cover, Contents, About the Authors, Preface (16K)
Eric Ritter

The Chronology of Las Palmas Culture: New Radiocarbon Dates on Non-human Terrestrial Materials from William Massey's Cave Burial Sites (126K)
Joe D. Stewart, J. Eldon Molto, and Paula Reimer

The Role of Ethnobotany in Stable Isotope Studies of Human Skeletal Remains, Baja California Sur (24K)
Karen R. Adams

Projectile Points from the Three Sisters' Lagoons of West Central Baja California (397K)
Eric W. Ritter and Julie Burcell

Settlement Patterns on Espiritu Santo Island, Baja California Sur (426K)
Harumi Fujita and Gema Poyatos de Paz

Index to Volumes 32, 33, and 34 (8K)