Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 33, Number 3, Summer 1997

Missions of Baja and Alta California - 1

Note that there is an errata sheet to download and print for two pages in the originally published issue. (18K)

Preface (17K)
Robert Hoover

Two Californias, Three Religious Orders and Fifty Missions: A Comparison of the Missionary Systems of Baja and Alta California (278K)
Brian A. Aviles and Robert Hoover

A Note on the Ruins of Casilepe in the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Baja California (47K)
John W. Foster and Julia Bendimez Patterson

A Visual Survey of a Dominican Mission Site: Mision San Pedro Martir de Verona (2,518K)
Max R. Kurillo

Archaeology at Santa Clara de Asis: The Slow Rediscovery of a Moveable Mission (3,522K)
Russell K. Skowronek and Julie C. Wizorek