Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 32, Number 4 Fall 1996
Current Topics in Ground Stone Analysis - 2
Preface (15K)
Mari A. Pritchard Parker
A Comparative Analysis of Pollen from Millingstones from CA-RIV-102 (Hemet) and CA-RIV-150 (La Quinta) (205K)
Mari A. Pritchard Parker
The Significance to California Prehistory of the Earliest Mortars and Pestles (30K)
Michael A. Glassow
A Model for the Production of Portable Stone Mortars and Bowls (275K)
Joan S. Schneider and Richard H. Osborne
A Charmstone Cache from the Southern San Joaquin Valley (308K)
Mark Q. Sutton
An Ethnographic Review of Grinding, Pounding, Pulverizing, and Smoothing with Stones (56K)
Adella B. Schroth
A 2,000 Year Old Milling Tool Kit from CA-SDI-10148, San Diego, California (148K)
Carolyn E. Kyle
Annual Index (4K)