Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 47, Numbers 1&2 (2011, printed May 2013)
Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editors, About the Authors
California Ceramic Traditions: An Introduction
Brian Dervin Dillon and Matthew A. Boxt
Siskiyou Utility Ware: A Late Prehistoric Southern Cascades Horizon Marker
Joanne M. Mack
Familiar Artifacts in Artificial Stone: The Baked Clay Tradition of Prehistoric Nothern California
Gregory C. White
Brownware Pottery of the Southern Sierra Nevada
Michael J. Moratto
Brown Ware Ceramics of the Prehistoric Owens Valley
Wendy N. Pierce
Luminescence Dating of Pottery from Owens Valley and Death Valley
Jelmer W. Eerkens and Carl P. Lipo
Fremont-Style Pottery in the Western Mojave Desert?
Melinda Button