Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 42, Numbers 2 & 3 (2006, printed September 2009)

Cover, Contents, About the Authors

An Interim Report on Two Rockshelter Sites with Early Holocene Occupation in the Northern Baja California Peninsula
Ruth Gruhn and Alan Bryan

Excavations at the Red Rock Canyon Rockshelter (CA-KER-147), Western Mojave Desert, California
Mark Q. Sutton, R. W. Robinson, and Jill K. Gardner

Appendix: The Vertebrate Faunal Remains from Red Rock Canyon Rockshelter (CA-KER-147)
John D. Goodman II

Additional Multi-Holed Tablets from the Fred Aldrick Collection, Bowers Museum of Cultrual Art, Santa Ana
Henry C. Koerper and Joe Cramer

A Unique Artifact from the Dobkin Site: Unfinished Smoking Pipe, Manufacturing Die, or Shamanic "Magic Trick"?
Henry C. Koerper and Nancy Anastasia Desautels-Wiley