Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 54, Numbers 3&4 (2018, printed April 2019)

Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editors, About the Authors, Preface

Spatial Analysis of Shell Midden Camps at La Jovita, Ensenada, Baja California

María Flores Hernández and Manuel Eduardo Pérez Rivas

Chronological Reordering of the Yuman Complex in Baja California

Antonio Porcayo Michelini

Overexploitation of Coastal Resources at Bajamar-Jatay? Size Composition of the Mollusks Consumed Prehistorically in Baja California

Enah M. Fonseca Ibarra

Yuman Ideas about the Past

Don Laylander and Julia Bendímez Patterson

Was There a Regional Center in Quechan Territory in the Eighteenth Century? An Analysis of Garcés’s Diario de Exploraciones

Agustín Ortega Esquinca

Between Mountains, Plains, and Sea: Prehistoric Cultural Adaptations and Climatic Regions in the Sierras de San Francisco and Guadalupe, Baja California Sur

María de la Luz Gutiérrez Martínez