Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 51, Number 1 (2015)

Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editor, About the Authors


A Prehistoric Ceramic Rattle from the Southwestern Shoreline of Ancient Lake Cahuilla, Imperial County, California

Gerrit L. Fenenga, Barbara Erwin, and William Erwin

Rock Art at CA-RIV-981: Chronology, Imagery, and Function

C. William Clewlow, Jr., Clarus J. Backes, Jr., and Helen Wells

Lithic Workshops at Huerfanito, Baja California

Juan Martín Rojas Chávez and Antonio Porcayo Michelini

Shellfish Meet Otoliths in Shell Midden Archaeology of the Gulf of California, Mexico

Ana Katalina Celis-Hernández

Prehistoric Baja California Pottery: Preliminary Characterizations Using X-Ray Diffraction

Miguel A. Téllez Duarte, Eloísa Aparicio Ceja, and Antonio Porcayo Michelini

Rock Art Portal to Passage: An Ancient Desert Footpath Near Needles, California

Stephen P. Horne and Ruth Musser-Lopez