Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly
Volume 50, Numbers 3&4 (2014, printed January 2015)
Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editor, About the Authors
Introduction: Honoring the Life of Jay Crawford von Werlhof
Russell L. Kaldenberg
Earthdrawn: Aerial Site Research Strategies of Jay von Werlhof
Harry Casey
Jay Von Werlhof and Owens Valley Rock Art
Mark A. Giambastiani and Mark E. Basgall
Jay von Werlhof’s Trail of Dreams
David S. Whitley
The Table Mountain Archaeology Project: 1975-1985
Ronald V. May
Malcolm Rogers at White Tanks, Arizona, 1939-1956
Jerry Schaefer
Of Rock Rings and Red Herrings: Something Fishy on Black Mountain, Northwestern Mojave Desert
Michael R. Walsh
Small Shell Disk Beads in a Prehistoric Central Baja California Site: Interaction Implications
Eric W. Ritter
Three Hypotheses to Explain Pai Origins
Don Laylander
Archaeological Data Recovery Near Bedrock Spring, San Bernardino County, California
Judyth Reed and Bill Wight
Helen Wells