Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly

Volume 48, Numbers 3&4 (2012, printed July 2013)

Cover, Contents, About the Guest Editor, About the Authors

Introduction: The Contributions of Malcolm J. Rogers to the Development of California Archaeology
Ruth Musser-Lopez, Don Laylander, and David C. Hanna, Jr.

Malcolm J. Rogers’ Career and Context

David C. Hanna, Jr.

Malcolm J. Rogers in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts
Joan S. Schneider

Malcolm J. Rogers’ 1938 Excavation Techniques at the C. W. Harris Site (CA-SDI-149)
Claude N. Warren

Malcolm Rogers’ Arizona Fieldwork, 1926–1956
Jerry Schaefer

Malcolm Rogers in Baja California
Don Laylander and Julia Bendímez Patterson

The Development of Cultural Sequences in the Mojave Desert: The Contributions of Malcolm J. Rogers
Mark Q. Sutton

Malcolm Rogers and Rock Art Research in the Far Southwest
Ken Hedges

Malcom Rogers: Geoarchaeologist
Andrew R. Pigniolo

Malcolm Rogers: Ancient Trails and Rock Features
Rebecca Apple

Malcolm J. Rogers on Archaeological Ceramics: Foundations and Current Studies in the San Diego Region
Margie M. Burton and Patrick S. Quinn

Malcolm J. Rogers As an Ethnoarchaeologist: Reflections from Santa Catarina, Baja California
Lee M. Panich and Michael Wilken-Robertson